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AGEMA, a multidisciplinary, consultancy firm working to address poverty, deliver innovative and relevant solutions...

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Ongoing Projects

Projects AGEMA is currently carrying out.

Studies at AGEMA, while motivated from policy significance, are of sufficient quality for publication in top peer-reviewed journals. We have presented at academic conferences, workshops, international organizations, as well as numerous presentations at general rural community meetings.

Project Location


An environmental and social impact assessment for the national energy fund (FUNAE).
In six districts in the provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado.I, Mozambique


- Evaluation of Sida’s support towards food security as part of a wider food system in preparation of the UN Summit on Food Systems 2021. This includes case studies of Sida’s food security projects
Mozambique and Burkina Faso.


- Final Evaluation and Impact Assessment of “Kudziua– Knowledge for Children
Six districts in Zambezia Province, Mozambique


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+258 21 497163 or +258 24 214957

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