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AGEMA, a multidisciplinary, consultancy firm working to address poverty, deliver innovative and relevant solutions...

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Multidisciplinary firm

AGEMA is a multidisciplinary, consultancy firm working to address poverty, deliver innovative and relevant solutions to developing and emerging economies for sustainable beneficiary driven development in Sub Saharan Africa and particularly in Mozambique. With our thorough understanding of the underlying systems in both rural and urban Mozambican communities, our ability to use the resources provided by our donors and clients and our highly qualified team, AGEMA implements effective tactics which really impacts our beneficiary’ s lives.

AGEMA is dedicated to an innovative approach, and benefits from an interdisciplinary network of national and foreign consultants. Highly specialised professionals undertake quantitative data analysis and qualitative interviewing techniques using digital instruments and participatory observations, which form part of our methodologies in many projects. Research-based knowledge and information constitutes an important point of departure in many of our assignments.

AGEMA works in partnership with clients to identify solutions to problems. Our clients comprise of Government agencies, donors, implementing agencies, International Development Banks (World Bank, African Development Bank, Islamic development Bank), the European Commission, the Department for International Development (DfID), Japanese International Corporation (JICA), United Nations Agencies, United States Agency for International development (USAID), private sector companies as well as national and international NGOs.

Studies at AGEMA, while motivated from policy significance, are of sufficient quality for publication in top peer-reviewed journals. We have presented at academic conferences, workshops, international organizations, as well as numerous presentations at general rural community meetings.

AGEMA brings the following:

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