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Completed projects

Relevant Services Carried out Which Best Illustrate AGEMA Qualifications

Project Location Client


Final Evaluation and Impact Assessment of “Kudziua”– Knowledge for Children (2021)
Zambezia Province, Mozambique SCI


Evaluation of Sida’s support towards Food Security as part of a Wider Food System (2021)
Mozambique – 3 projects: (i) FAR,(Manica and Sofala Provinces). ii - Dema-Liba (Niassa & Cabo delgado provinces) and iii) IDESMART (Maputo, Manica, Tete, Sofala & Zambezia Provinces) Sida


Study of stakeholder consultation on Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) (2021).
Six districts in Zambezia Province, Mozambique SCI


Mid-term evaluation of the project VIVA+ (2020 - 21)
Mozambique, provinces of Maputo, Nampula and Zambézia Fund for Community Development. (FDC)


Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (2021)
Provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado National Enery Fund (FUNAE)


Evaluation of the environmental impact and design of the project to rehabilitate irrigation schemes damaged by the cyclone IDAI (2020-21)
District of Buzi, Sofala province National irrigation Institute (INIR)/World Bank


Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on SADC countries. An Online survey on the impact of COVID-19 on Livelihoods, Food and Nutrition Security in the SADC region. The survey allows people residing in the 16 SADC member countries to share their views on how COVID-19 has affected their lives and their families, and what decision makers in Government, the Private Sector, Development Partners and Humanitarian Agencies should do to mitigate the current and future impacts of COVID-19. (2020)
Mozambique and Angola SADC/WFP


Districts of Dere, Murrumbala and Milange in Zambézia province Save the Children International


Elaboração do Plano Director de extensão Agrária (2020 – 2029) 2020
National MADER


Baseline: Project: “Her Future Her Choice Evaluation of the gender sensitive services (2019).
Districts of Milange and Mocuba in Zambézia province Oxfam


Evaluation of the Mahubo Water System (2019)
Mahubo, district of Boane in Maputo province. WaterAid


Baseline Study and Impact Evaluation of the Sustenta Project (2018/19)
Districts of Mocuba, Ile, Gurue, Alto Molocue & Gile in Zambézia; districts of Malema, Lalaua, Mecubri, Rapale and Ribaue in Nampula provínce. MITA/World Bank


Mid-Term Evaluation of the sustainable community WASH project (2017)
City and District of Boane, Maputo province. WaterAid


Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project. – PROSUAS, Niassa (2017)
Districts of Majune, Mandimba, Mavago and Muembe in Niassa province. JICA


Final Evaluation of the CHASS – SMT Program (2015-2016
Provinces of Sofala, Manica and Tete USAID


Final Evaluation of the CHASS – Niassa Program (2015-2016)
Province of Niassa USAID


Evaluation of the impact of the BMS program on HIV and AIDS ( 2015)
Motor corredor of Ressano Garcia, Moamba, Maputo, and Sofala FHI


Evaluation of the integrated community home assistance program (HBC) for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). 2014
Provínces of Sofala and Manica Futures Group USA


Implementation of the HIV and AIDS program for the rehabilitation and construction of the N221 contractors’ staff and communities along the road.
Guija to Chicualacuala in Gaza Province. OPWAY/ANE


Coping with drought and climate change (2010).
District of Guija, Gaza Province MITA/UNDP


Evaluation of the Social Impacts of infrastructure Projects in the Integrated Roads Program (PRISE) (2010)
District of Caia in Sofala Provínce, District of Mopeia in Zambezia and the Armando Emilio Guebuza Bridge on the Zambeze River. ANE/DANIDA


Evaluation of the Social impacts of drought and clímate change to determine appropriate infrastructures to mitigate the effect of drought and draw lessons to guide future Projects on climate change. .(2010/11)
District of Guija, Gaza Province. UNDP/MITA


Baseline study on the Situation of Agriculture in the Bread basket em Moçambique (2010)
Manica, Zambezia and Nampula provinces AGRA


Review and Evaluation of two IFAD funded Projects in Mozambique. (2009)
Provinces of Maputo and Zambézia IFAD, Rome, Italy


Technical Assistance for the Agricultural Market Linkage Program (PAMA) 2005 - 2008
Districts of Boane, Mafuiane and Moamba in Maputo Provínce IFAD


Implementation of the Agricultural Extension Outsourced Project (2003-7)
District of Nicoadala, Zambezia province World Bank/PROAGRI


Final evaluation of knowledge attitude and practice (KAP) for the Water Sanitation and Hygiene project. (2006)
Districts of Chinde, Inhassunge, Lugela and Nicoadala in Zambézia province UNICEF


Evaluation of the Impact of projects funded by IFAD in Mozambique (PAMA and the Nampula Artesanal Fishing project-2004)
Provínces of Cabo Delgado and Nampula IFAD


Baseline Study of knowledge attitude and practice (KAP) for the Water Sanitation and Hygiene project. (2004)
Districts of Chinde, Inhassunge, Lugela and Nicoadala in Zambézia province UNICEF


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